Visiting a place for the first time can be an anxiety-inducing and potentially confusing time. Let's help put your mind at ease by letting you know what to expect on a typical Sunday.
What do I wear?
Whatever you like! Wanna get dressed to the nines? Go for it! Wanna come in ripped jeans and a t-shirt and/or hoodie? Go for it! Wanna come in your pjs? As long as everything is covered and appropriate, go for it! What matters most to us is that you're here.
Where do I park?
We have a good sized parking lot in the back of the church that is accessible from two driveways, one that is paved and one that is gravel. Either work for entry or exit.
Where do I enter?
Keeping in the spirit of twos, we have two entrances to the building that are both open every Sunday:
Sanctuary Side Doors
The sanctuary side door is closest to the paved driveway. When you enter there is an one-two person elevator to your right, for those who find stairs a challenge.
If you are taking the elevator, follow the instructions inside and take it up. When you come out you will be in the fellowship hall but take the double doors to your left, then the double doors ahead of you and they will take you to the sanctuary.
If you are taking the stairs just go straight up the stairs and make a left through the double doors and you'll be at the sanctuary.
Office Side Doors
These doors are located on the side of the building closer to the gravel driveway. There is no elevator on this side. When you enter simply go up the stairs in front of you, through the double doors (which will place you in the fellowship hall). Keep going straight towards the kitchen and on your right there will be double doors. Go through those double doors, then next set of double doors ahead of you and you'll be at our sanctuary.
Now what?
You will be welcomed by our greeters, other congregation members milling about in the narthex (the gathering space before the sanctuary), and/or the pastor.
You'll also find in the middle of the narthex a round table with information related to activities and events coming up, as well as our newsletter. There is also a table with the offering plate, if you feel so inclined, as well as individual communion cups if coming to the front for communion is uncomfortable or not easily possible. (All are welcome to receive communion here, you don't have to be Lutheran or a member to do so.) We also have two gender neutral bathrooms located near the back of the narthex.
When you're ready to head into the sanctuary make sure you grab a bulletin either from the usher or from the table to the right of the sanctuary doors. Once in the sanctuary sit wherever you like! No assigned seats here. Plus, we have air conditioning in the summer and heat in the winter!
What about my kids?
Oh we love kids and love for them to share in worship with us. On the pew in the narthex there are bags with activities for kids to do if you would like. The room next to the bathrooms in the narthex is our nursery which has some toys, changing tables, rocking chairs and high chairs anyone is free to use as needed. There is a window into the sanctuary with a blind that keeps people from looking into the room. Don't worry about missing any of the service either as there is a speaker in the room so you don't miss anything while your little one is playing around.
Rest assure we love wiggling, giggling, and gurgling in our worship space. All we ask is that your child(ren) stay in the pew with you (or whoever) during the service, unless they are going to the nursery, bathroom, etc.
We also offer a Sunday School from September through May for ages 2+ right after worship from 10am-11am. We also have an adult Bible Study available while your child is in Sunday School. Check out our "Ministries" page for more info on that.
What is worship like?
Mostly traditional with flavorings of contemporary in our verbiage and occasionally in our music. We livestream on our Facebook page weekly (wifi willing). We have organ and/or piano leading us through the music side of worship, and the bulletin provides all of the spoken parts of worship (your part is in bold). Check out our Facebook page to see past uploads of bulletins to get an idea. If you get lost during the service any of our congregation members would be happy to help you find your spot.
We encourage you to do what is comfortable for you. If you need/want to sit the whole time, feel free to do so. If you wanna clap or sway during a song, or shout an "amen" during the sermon, let the spirit move you. How you "pass peace" to people during that part of worship is up to your comfort level, be it a peace sign or bear hug. Our pastor tries to cultivate an environment of ease when it comes to worship. Come as you are, whatever that means for you today, and know this worship space is ready for you.
What about after worship?
After worship you can hang around and chat with people/the pastor, but there is no pressure to do so (although we would love to get to know you more). Sometimes there is a coffee hour with coffee (duh), tea, and some nibbles. Sunday School for children 2+ is also available and an adult Bible Study is available to join as well.
If you'd like to chat with our pastor a bit more after service, she would be more than happy to do so! Her time is limited, though, as she also leads worship at Abiding Savior on Ruie Rd. in North Tonawanda at 11am. Check out our "Partnership" page for more information on that.
Can I get involved?
We'll never say "no" to someone being involved! We'll never push or force it either. If you desire to be involved beyond attending worship (which is more than acceptable), go over to our "Ministries" page and take a look at some our highlighted ministries as well as our Ministry Opportunity Directory that has all of our current ministries available.
We hope this answers some of your questions and puts your mind at ease when it comes to visiting us. Of course, feel free to ask questions and make inquiries while you are here. We look forward to seeing you and, hopefully, get to know you better!
Peace and blessings!